Thursday, 25 August 2011

Drawing Alice for Kindle

Ding-dong the witch is dead. Art teacher Evie Rice never got along with her mother Alice, but is left reeling when she commits suicide. When Alice forced her to have an abortion at 14, hot-headed Evie vowed never to go back to Wigan, or to speak to her mother again. But troubled Evie is about to discover her mother's shocking secret past. Will setting the record straight about Alice finally set Evie free?

*If anyone would like to review the book, please send your email and I'll forward one on to you (s.dobbs"at"

Saturday, 2 April 2011

The Red Balloon, Litro and NAWE

Two bits of news...

Flax published The Red Balloon early March 2011. You can get a copy here: The Red Balloon

I was a runner up in Litro's ArtBelow competition. You can read the winner's story in the underground and here, as well as the four runner's up here. Mine is called

I also have an article in NAWE issue 153 on the creative PhD. You can get a copy here: Should there be a fully creative PhD?

If you don't want to do that, please add your comments to their response to having funding cut. A short-sighted and shocking move given what the organisation have accomplished over the years. You can do that here: NAWE's response to total funding cut

What are we fighting for if we're not fighting for our society? Churchill would be pissed off, I reckon.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Audio Stories

Click and listen - my new Audio Stories blog is here. I love it, have found a new way to ramble. This can only be good. It displays fictional and real-life stories.

Hopefully you can guess which is which.

If you want to get involved, there's also Your Audio Stories. Just send me your work as an MP3. See more here: Your Audio Stories

Friday, 11 February 2011

Flax Singles Launch -

Chapbooks launch from Dinesh Allirajah, Sarah Dobbs and Ian Seed.

Audio Story - 'Snow'

A sample of me reading a new short story 'Snow'

Audio Story - 'Snow'

A sample of me reading a new short story 'Snow'